For a week now we've been practicing sit down family style dinners at our small little household of 3 (in our even smaller kitchen). We also upgrade Zari to a booster seat, and have explained to her that as soon as she requests to get down, the food is going away - no more until the next scheduled snack or meal time. All this was done after rereading Ellyn Satters "How To Get Your Child To Eat, But Not Too Much". I'll be the first to admit I have issues with food, and assumed because of me my children would too. So far Zari has had the OPPOSITE problem of me. Thankfully she's always been healthy, but there was her initial entrance to the world, and my dawdling milk supply issues. And then as an older infant she didn't exactly ENJOY solid foods. And now as a busy toddler we're lucky to get her attention on food for 30 seconds.
Thankfully I think sitting down at the table together is such a NOVELTY for this child that she sits happily and eats with us...even trying a few new foods <!> ATTENTION PARENTS OF PICKY EATERS: TRY READING THIS BOOK!! I have no idea if it will work for you, but the nights I've wasted worrying about my child eating enough are no more! She's doing just fine, trying new foods, and enjoying meal time with us. That child even sat and talked and ate with us for 40 minutes Saturday night!! :) Now she also eats about as fast as I do geometry, but still, nutrients are making it INSIDE my child. Yeay!
And...I canned 5 quarts of pickles and harvested 2 lbs of beets from my little square foot garden. And we ate all the peas I harvested Saturday.
Oh, and while I was outside our living room window planting my hollyhocks Zari walked over to the window and started talking about pooping in the potty, and I told her that sounded like an excellent idea, maybe she should go try. My husband told me later that she had in fact pooped. But not on the potty. And not in her diaper. But instead on the heating grate in the living room!
I'm still laughing about it.
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